get trending on instagram

Given that Instagram now is among the most powerful advertising platforms for all businesses, how to get trending on Instagram is the biggest concern of every dropshipper. What tools and strategies you can use in your marketing campaign to promote your brand on Instagram? We will answer those questions in this article. Let’s scroll down and see!

What does get trending on Instagram mean?

To get trending on Instagram means that your posts will be shown among the top results when people search for your hashtags, speaking of Instagram posts or hashtags. In doing so, your account will stand a bigger chance of getting more visibility to your audiences and even to your non-followers, which will make a lot more people know about you.

7 Steps to get trending on Instagram

get trending on instagram

#1 Find the right hashtags

The first step to get trending on Instagram is to use the right hashtags. Keep in mind that you should use hashtags that are relevant to your posts. In order to do that, you will need to have a solid knowledge of your business as well as your niche. Think of what hashtags are used most in the industry. Once you know what hashtags to put in your posts, you can target your audiences much more effectively.

The more niche-related hashtags do you use, the less competition you will get compared with general, broad hashtags. One more important thing, you should not overuse anything. Two to five hashtags are recommended. Don’t use them too much.

#2 Use branded hashtags

get trending on instagram

The second step to get trending on Instagram is creating branded hashtags. You should use your own brand hashtags and encourage your followers to use them. That will make it easier for people to recognize your brand and remember about you instead of getting confused with thousands of other brands using the same hashtags. Creating your own branded hashtags also helps to raise awareness of your brand and build a strong relationship with your audiences.

#3 Create eye-catching content

We have focused on hashtags in the above steps, now we will work on the content. Even with the right hashtags, you should always have eye-catching content to hook your audiences in right away. If your content cannot attract your audiences, they will not stay long with you and will forget about you next to no time. So, the next step to get trending on Instagram we would like to mention is creating eye-catching content.

By the way, we will give you some good tips to come up with good Instagram content as below:

First, you should learn from the content that other bigger brands usually post on their account. In this way, it will help you to get more knowledge of marketing and Instagram trends, which is a great source for you to develop the content of your own page.

Second, don’t make your post look poor and low quality by using poor pictures. Try to use high-quality pictures only. High-quality pictures will attract your audiences right away much more than low-quality ones. Furthermore, using good pictures will help your page look more professional and trustworthy.

Last, if possible, make some short videos. Telling about your products or your brand through videos is the most effective way. People prefer to watch videos rather than pictures or posts which are full of text.

Above all, don’t forget to post on your page regularly. Keep reminding your audiences of your products. Because if not, other brands will do it and your followers will soon forget about you.

#4 Tag locations and other users

The next tip to get trending on Instagram is tagging locations and other users. This will be efficient when people want to look for something interesting in some locations. If it happens to be your location, then it will be great. You will become visible to them first.

Another way is tagging other users. Then who should you tag in your posts? Well, they should be someone who are relevant to your business. Try not to spam people by tagging them in something they don’t know or tag some people who don’t know you. That’s very dangerous. So be careful with this. If you can do this well, you will be able to get noticed by those accounts you tag and get your page more visible to people.

#5 Choose the best times to post

It’s also important when you should post your content. Since it will decide how many people will see your posts. Yes, don’t be surprised. It is true. And it depends on who you want to show your posts to. Who is your target audience? What are their habits? Do they get up early to do exercise and will check their new feeds then or most of them will check on weekends? Learn about these insights is very important. You should find out about their age, locations, what is important to them, what do they like and so on.

So, the next step to get trending on Instagram is to choose the best time to post your content.

#6 Use the Instagram Explore Page

Don’t underestimate Instagram Explore Page. It will be very effective if you can also do something about it. You should look through the content trending related to your niche and your brand, then take note of the themes, or designs, or concepts that are on-trend these days. Use those materials and work on your content.

#7 Use the Bio link in your content

The last step to get trending on Instagram is to use Bio link n your content. This is very easy to understand. If you want people to buy from you, then show them the way to do that by using this handy feature of Instagram. Add the Bio link to your promoted content and lead your audiences to your products.


Above are the 7 steps to get trending on Instagram that we think you can use in your marketing campaign to promote your business on Instagram successfully. Become trending on Instagram can be the key to your business success. So use the tips effectively and wait for the results!

Private Agent for Dropshipping Success

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