facebook ads policies

There are quite a number of ads put on Facebook every day. At the same time, lots of them are turned down for going against Facebook Ads policies. So why and how you can keep your ads from getting disapproved by Facebook. In this article, we will help you highlight main reasons and suggest you how to get your ads go through the Facebook ads reviews process. Let’s get started.

How to get your ads approved

It is not so hard to get your ads approved by Facebook. Though a lot of ads are rejected every day for thousands of different reasons, there are always techniques you can use to avoid all of those troubles. As long as you are not selling illegal products, you all stand a good chance to get your ads approved by a little understanding of Facebook Ads policies and a bit of creativity.

Read through Facebook Ads Policies

facebook ads policies

The first thing you should do is go to Facebook Ads Policies to make sure you have read through and take in all the important things. It will not take you too long to finish. So be patient to read till the end. When you already are familiar with their rules, you will understand how to get through those. Of course, a lot of things may happen when you scroll up your sleeves and start doing. But studying Facebook Ads policies is the most basic thing you should not miss out on.

Facebook uses its Algorithm to review your ads

Keep in mind that your ads are not reviewed by humans but by Facebook’s Algorithm. Imagine there are millions of ads running each month and it’s a too big number to handle by humans. Given the above, it’s something in your ad or landing page that causes the algorithm to disapprove.

So, if you are confident that your ads are totally compliant with Facebook ads policies, you can resubmit it to the human to review and there are great chances that your ads will be approved then.

However, if your ads aren’t compliant and you want to resubmit it, it will surely not be approved in the end. Moreover, you could even be at risk of getting your account shut down by Facebook if you submit non-compliant ads regularly. So, you should read carefully to understand Facebook ads policies to avoid any chances of submitting something prohibited by Facebook.

Prohibited Content in Facebook Ads Policies

facebook ads policies

You should remember types of content that banned by Facebook in ads to make sure that your products are not on the list and so your ads are at first fine to run.

There are some kinds that you can easily guess by common sense like illegal products, Tobacco, Drugs, Unsafe supplements, Weapons, Sale of human body parts, etc.

But there are some Facebook ads policies that may surprise you, for instance, Facebook’s personal attributes. This rule does not allow specifying something about the people you are advertising such as age, gender, race, medical condition. You should mention your people generally rather than bring up some details as above into your ads.

Another thing that is not allowed in Facebook ads is misleading or false content or controversial content. That’s why you should read through the whole Facebook ads policies by yourself to make sure you are doing the right thing. We can sum up some important points for you but cannot bring up the entire text here.

Pay attention to your landing page

Never forget that Facebook not only reviews your ads but also looks at your landing page. So make sure that your landing page is fully functional with no exit pop-ups. Though exit pop-ups is a good way to convert your audiences to your offer, Facebook does not allow it and you should follow the rules if you are running ads on Facebook.

Grammar, Profanity, and Disruption in the ads

Profanity should not be shown in your ads if you want it to be approved by Facebook, even covered by symbols. Don’t use punctuation too much, like 3 or more question marks in a row, and say no to disruptive ads. Always double-check if grammar in the ads is correct, make sure that your ads are not displaying any profanity, and remove any disruptive ads. That will save you a lot of problems when running ads on Facebook

Be careful with Before and After Photos

If you look through Facebook ads policies, you will realize that Facebook has a guideline for images in the personal health industry. It mentions that you cannot use before and after photos or any photos with a zoom into any body part. So if your products or services have anything to do with body parts like dentistry, make sure that you are including the whole part rather than a single body part in your ads.

Some industries are not allowed in Facebook ads.

Several industries you cannot put it on Facebook ads are payday loans, multilevel marketing, penny auctions. If you are running any services as mentioned, you stand no chance of getting approval on your ads by Facebook. So you’d better find another platform to work on.

Restricted content in Facebook ads policies

Apart from prohibited content, there are some types of restricted content that you should pay attention to. So if your products or service fall into those types, you should more carefully go through the entire Facebook ads policies to ensure that you are still on the right track.

When it comes to restricted areas, you should always follow the rules since there are more chances that Facebook will reject your ads. Occasionally, you may also need special approval from Facebook of your ads.

Those areas include Alcohol, Dating, Real Money Gambling, State Lotteries, Promotion of Over-the-Counter Drugs, and so on. You’d better have a look at Facebook ads policies to have the entire list of restricted content then.

Final word

If you don’t want to have any problems with Facebook ads and want to make your ads be approved and start running, you should always follow Facebook rules. That’s the reason why reading Facebook ads policies carefully is so important. Knowing what is prohibited in Facebook ads and what are restricted areas will help you to tell if your products or services are good to go or you should pay close attention to what you are doing since it falls into sensitive things.

Always ensure that your ads’ grammar is good and don’t miss out on other important things like your landing page. If you devote enough effort you will see that it all will pay off. And in case your ads are rejected but you are sure that it completely complies with Facebook regulations, don’t hesitate to come to Facebook and ask for its manual review again. By following these rules and tips, you will have no problems with your ads as well as your ad account on Facebook. Do enjoy and process and await the fruitful results then.

Private Agent for Dropshipping Success

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