How to find 5 websites with good product description to create yours 1

Are good products from a reliable sourcing agent enough to make sales? Well, not totally. You will also need a good product description to make your store look professional. A compelling product description will convince your visitors to buy from you. If your product description is not well-written or just looks like a draft, it’s easy to understand that people don’t want to buy from a page like that. They don’t know clearly what your products can do and how they stand out. Obviously, you could lose your customer due to your product description. So, don’t let that happen.

But how can you create a good product description that can entice your customers to make a purchase? Today, we will show you the way to find 5 different websites with good product descriptions that you can use to create your own.

How to find 5 different websites with good product descriptions to create your own

In this topic, we will take an example for easier understanding. Let’s say we are selling the eyebrow fork tip pen. We have many ways to search for its product description from many other dropshipping store websites. First of all, you need to look for the product on AliExpress.

good product description

The first way is very easy and we use it very often. Look at the page and you will see there are many images of the product under the description part. You pick one image of the product. Remember that you should not pick a very general one like a picture of the model using it because those pictures may not contain the exact image of the product. Then right-click and choose “Search Google for image”.

good product description

Google will help you pull all the websites that have that product image. You scan through the pages and go to websites that look like a dropshipping store. Right-click and open the store. Then scroll down to the product description and see if it is good enough to pick. Then you choose the best 5 pages with a good product description that you think you can use.

good product description

Here is one example of a not-so-good product description: nothing special, nothing impressive about the product, no reviews, too many colors.

good product description

Here is one example of a good product description: good outline, professional-looking, phenomenal review section.

good product description

Look at their reviews. All look so good.

good product description

The second method is using Google or social media like Facebook to search for the product. We do the same as with Google search image. Scroll down the results and find websites that look like dropshipping stores. Open each page and read the description. Keep the ones that you find the description is good: good image, good outline, good text, good review part, good colors (with just 3 colors), and so on. You will know when you look at a professional website and which is good enough. So what matters is how you feel about that website or your website. If you feel ok, then it may be ok. If you feel something wrong, then don’t choose it.

Keep doing that until you pick 5 websites with the best product description. You will look at how they write their description and create our own using those websites. Each page will have something good that you need to learn from. By piecing the best part from each website like best picture, best review, things like that, you can finally produce one for yourself.

It’s very simple. But the thing is you need to be patient. You may need to look through many websites to find the good one. You may try many platforms. But as long as this gives you the chance to create a better product description, then it’s worth it.

Private Agent for Dropshipping Success

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