Tips to create winning ads

Want to promote your store and advertise your products to get more sales? in order to help you with that, we’ll introduce some tips to create winning ads in this article. There are many things you can do to boost your sales and increase your profit, and advertising is an indispensable and effective part of your campaign. Let’s scroll down and see what it is!

What are winning ads?

Ads are created to win potential customers and persuade them to buy your products and increase their loyalty as well. Winning ads get your customers by using emotive and value-oriented ideas about a specific product rather than merely information and features of that product.

Creating winning ads is not easy. Though we can learn some tips to work on those ads and make them more successful. That’s why we will talk about 14 tips to create winning ads in the next section. However, if you want to have a dropshipping agent to help you with that, our ads creative services can be of assistance to you.

Tips to create winning ads

tips to create winning ads

#1 Use short ads texts rather than long ones

The first tips to create winning ads that we would like to mention is using short persuasive ads texts. There’s no need to write long sentences while you can do it in fewer words. When you read a long story, you are less likely to remember the message that it delivers. Short yet convincing ads texts are always much more powerful in reaching people and going into their mind.

So every time you need to come up with an ads text, try to make it as short as possible, but also impressive and direct.

#2 One message per ad

Too many messages in your ads may overwhelm your clients. Just focus on one message per ad. Highlight the main benefit of your product that you would like to emphasize the most. So the thing here is to carefully select what you want to spotlight. If doing it well, there’s more likely that your customers will understand and the conversion rate may increase.

#3 Write in the second person

One of the good tips to create winning ads is writing your ads texts in the second person. In doing so, you will be able to engage your customers on a personal level. Use “you” and “your” like you are talking to your friend so that whenever they want to look for some solutions for their problems, they will be attracted to your ads. Writing in the second person also helps your customers to picture them with your products and to figure how your products could benefit them.

#4 Demonstrate how your products are used

When it comes to advertising, you will need to show people your product’s usage, not the product itself. Its features may beneficial when your customers want to learn more details about your product. But to capture their attention through your ads, you should demonstrate how your products are used.

This will help them imagine your products in their lives, how they could use them and how your products could solve their problems. For example, if you see a dress on a model looking really gorgeous, you will be lured to buy it much more than when you see just the dress’ picture itself. This technique is effective than it might seem, which makes it one of the best tips to create winning ads for your business.

#5 Use strong visuals

Visuals speak louder than texts. If you have strong visuals, you don’t even need to say anything. The simplest is the best. So when you are working on your ads, try to minimalize them as much as possible. Conveying one single impressive piece of information will do better than cramming too much information in one ad.

So the tips to create winning ads here are to come up with a strong, clever, and simple visual. Though it does not seem very easy to do that, it will pay off a great deal so don’t exclude this technique at all. You can think of an image that will tell the most about your product and look for a high-quality picture to demonstrate your idea.

#6 Include a call to action

Call to action (CTA) is a statement that urges people to do something that you want them to such as “Buy it now” or “Order now”. Those messages are short and direct. These examples are very common CTA. However, to make your ads more effective, you can use CTA in a better way. For instance, instead of telling people to buy from you, you can encourage them to do something that will solve their problems using your products.

#7 Show, don’t tell

Yes, as we have mentioned earlier, visuals talk better than words. That’s the reason why video ads always work really well to tell people about a product. The tips to create winning ads here is that you can use video to tell people how useful your product is such as a neck massager which will give a better impression and image of your product to your customers.

#8 Include social proof

Most of the time, word-of-mouth marketing can do much better. People may not believe what you say but will rely on other customers’ experiences with the products. That’s called social proof. This is a very powerful and persuasive way to gain the trust of your customers. So, the next tips to create winning ads is to include real people in your advertising.

#9 Give your customers the chance to do something more

Helping others make us feel good and valuable. So, beside selling goods, give your customers a chance to give back to the community at the same time. For example, offer your customers the opportunity to do some charity while purchasing your products. That will give huge results and certainly great tips to create winning ads for your dropshipping store.

#10 Emotions are the key

An ad will never be a good ad without arousing people’s emotions and feelings. If your customers don’t laugh, cry, smile, or even don’t want to watch it twice, then your ads are far from getting them. So, the tips to create winning ads is to know your customers, use concepts and ideas that are valuable and meaningful to them. Those ideas can be family, pets, friendship, and so on.

#11 Choose color wisely

The next tips to create winning ads is to use color to set up the mood and generate a certain emotion that you want. This is a very powerful and effective technique you could use. Colors speak. So you just let the colors speak for you.

#12 Consider using clickbaits

You might doubt that because this tool is still contradictory. However, the key is to use it carefully. When people see something really attractive, they can’t help clicking on it.

#13 Make them believe they are losing something

People are always afraid that they might miss out on something good. You can use that behavior to benefit your advertising. In order to do so, create a sense of emergency in your ads like “limited stock”. That will urge people to take action because they don’t want to come later and miss out on the chance to get the products. So the next tips to create winning ads is to make them believe they are losing something good.

#14 Tell a story

Dont just say the benefits of your products, try telling a story about it. It is difficult to master the tips to create winning ads of storytelling. But once you did it, you will wish you can do that sooner.

How to create winning ads?

tips to create winning ads

We have talked about some tips to create winning ads, but how we can do that? Fortunately, we have come up with the list of things you should consider when creating an ad below:

First, in the headline, you should tell a summary of your products.

Next, in the post text, you write a short but powerful text.

Media: use a good video or image to deliver your message.

Call-to-action: you should have this button to direct your customers to your page.

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