Product Page

A great product page is absolutely an important page on your website. It helps you convert visitors into actual buyers. It provides your customers the information that they need to make a purchase.

Building a killer product page is one of the most critical things you want to do. Luckily, there are many ways to do it. And today, we will explore 7 powerful tips to create an amazing product page for your store. Let’s begin!

7 Tips to Create a Great Product Page

1. Write a Good Product Description

The first element of a killer product page is a perfect product description. Then what is a perfect product description? In short, it has to be scannable, concise, and objective.

To create such a product page, you should add short bullet points to make it easier for your customers to read through. You should describe the actual benefits of the product rather than exaggerating things. Keep it short and focused but also informative. Don’t provide too much information as your customers will not want to read full of it.

2. Shoot High-Quality Product Images

Product Page

You cannot showcase your products to your customers the best without perfect product images or videos. Furthermore, using high-quality images also proves that you are a professional.

So the next element of a good product page is the perfect product images or videos. People want to see every angle of your product before they make a purchase. They even want to have an image of themselves with the product. As they cannot see the product in real life or touch it with their hands, you need to take this chance to present your product as well as possible. Otherwise, they might just skip your page and go to another store to buy.

If you don’t want to use the same images as those in other stores or are not confident to take your own photos, you can ask your dropshipping agent to do that for you. They are professional in the field and know how to shoot the perfect images or videos to attract your customers.

You can also consider using 360-degree images beside product videos to give your customers a better experience. Another great tip is to allow your customers to add their own images in the review section. In doing so, you will gain more trust from people as they can see real images from other buyers.

3. Create a Sense of Urgency

You may have heard a lot about FOMO – Fear of missing out. FOMO will urge people to take action faster. As they don’t want to miss out on a good offer or the chance to buy the last products in stock. You can use a countdown timer on your product page to create a sense of urgency and encourage your customers to buy.

4. Have an Intuitive Layout

Product Page

Your customer can come from anywhere in the world. In case they don’t know the language on your product page, make sure they still can understand what is on it. So try to keep a simple layout for your page. Make your “Add to Cart” Button most visible to your customers and carefully choose your theme.

5. Provide Shipping Information

Another important tip to make a great product page is to mention shipping information on your page. You can have an icon showing “free shipping for orders over 50$” for example. It would be great to keep your customers informed of the shipping information in that way.

Furthermore, in doing so, you keep your customers on the product page instead of going off to read it on the other page. They can add more products to their carts to get free shipping. And that will get you bigger purchases.

6. Have Customer Reviews

Product Page

Customer reviews on your product page are one of the most important things to get free traffic and get you more conversions. People trust real buying experiences from other buyers more than your ads. When reading positive comments on a particular product, they will feel the extra push to buy that product. They want to have the same positive experience. They want to have that great product. They want to get such a good solution for their problems.

7. Give Recommended Products

It’s always good to suggest some recommended products to your customers on your product page. You can keep them stay a bit longer. And you can urge them to buy more.

You can suggest to them the product that can go with the one that they choose or the products of the same kind. For example, if they add a T-shirt, suggest to them a pair of Jeans. Or you can offer them another T-shirt of different styles or colors.

Private Agent for Dropshipping Success

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